Friday, April 3, 2009

Entering Sideways

By policy your company inducts only freshers. Lateral induction is discouraged. Loyalty is rewarded and all higher posts are filled from within. Till now that is.

Things are about to change. You think your company is on the verge of a rapid growth and to take-off you will have to resort to lateral induction.

You are now faced with a dilemma. If you resort to lateral induction, will it discourage the employees who have worked so hard all these years to grow within the company? The promotions that they were looking forward to is now suddenly filled up by 'outsiders'. You are afraid that the logic that growth will create more opportunities within the company may not cut ice.

There is another issue that is troubling you. The company has a culture that is maintained largely due to the fact that freshers can be molded and made to fit. With positions at senior levels filled by 'outsiders' who are not indoctrinated with the current company culture, you may land up with more human issues.

What is your take on lateral induction?

What do you do?
What do you do?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Maintaining pecking order

This post discusses the case study Respect Is Commanded Not Demanded

Your need to maintain a pecking order comes from your desire for control. Which may or may not be such a bad thing. Depends on the context. But before you decide what you need to do about your direct reports jumping over your head to talk to your boss is to think through your own behavior.

The questions you need to ask is as follows:

a) Do the people who report to your direct report jump over their heads to talk to you? What happens when such a thing does happen? Do you ask them to first talk to their boss before coming to you? Or do you have double standards?

b) Why are your direct reports jumping over your head? Don't you generate enough confidence in them that they could talk to you without fear? How open are you to their suggestions?

c) Why did you go to your boss to discuss this problem? Shouldn't you be talking to your direct reports instead? Could you not open up with them to tell then what you feel about it?

d) What is wrong with open door policy that your boss follows? How is it harming you? Other than your hurt ego? Does it actually help the company? Perhaps your subordinates can let out steam and your boss is actually acting as a safety valve. Is this culture actually detrimental to the growth of your company?

Only after you have introspected on the above set of questions can you build up a case for or against the prevalent culture. And why is that you do not have the relevant information? If your ears are to the ground you should know exactly what is going on.

By the way, your boss is right: Respect is indeed commanded; not demanded.